
The module command is used to configure the user's environment for particular applications.

Please DO NOT use the module command in batch scripts. Modules must be loaded into your interactive session environment beforehand then exported to the job.

To include the shell environment in the batch job, either submit with qsub -V or include the PBS directive


By default on HPC systems, the modules for PBS, MPT, and the Intel Compiler are loaded. Additional modules may also be loaded.

Common module options

module list               -   list the currently loaded modules

module avail              -   list all the available modules

module load A             -   add A to the shell environment

module unload A           -   remove A from the shell environment

module swap A B           -   swap loaded A for B 
                              usually invoked to include a more recent version of the application

module show A             -   display information about module A
                              displays PATHS and ENVIRONMENT variables that are defined/modified

module help               -   list available commands and usage

For more information, see the module man page.

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